we implement the science of human flourishing to enable optimal performance, fulfillment and growth
☆ We do this powered by SHAPE ↓
SHAPE offers a robust, scalable, quantitative platform that measures employee performance and productivity using evidence-based data.
DISCO’s team uses SHAPE’s data-driven insight combined with futures, system and person-centred transformations - developing and implementing measurable whole system change that enables the highest net productivity benefit per employee, team and throughout the whole organisation.
The majority of interventions for people and culture address acute symptoms using disparate data that is siloed along with the problems they are attempting to solve. The SHAPE team identified this data disconnection issue - and how it led to organisations investing heavily in culture interventions that had little lasting impact.
SHAPE’s platform and its powerful research driven methodology make sense of culture in a meaningful way that measures all the drivers of performance and their intersections at once.
The result is a comprehensive dashboard that reports on flourishing from the individual experience all the way up to the executive and board.
It’s visible, measurable and scalable – but most importantly delivers you insight into the conditions and behaviours that enable the highest net productivity benefit per employee, team and throughout the whole organisation.
Interested in how DISCO can SHAPE your organisation? Reach out via our contact page via the button below. If you want to know more read the SHAPE white paper for a deeper dive into their data.